We have created some challenges exclusively for our members to participate on our family's activities.


This room has been created to help all our members to get to know each other a little better and have some fun with weekly challenges. 

  • Weekly Challenge

The Creator will be posting 2 notes every week for both “ The Task “ and “ The Winner I’d The Week “.


It will be decided by the winner of the week. All members have to sing a song including the winner.

🔹 All members are recommended to participate on this challenge including Board Members

🔹 Submission has to be posted in Challenge Room only and it is A MUST to use the hashtags below :



🔹 A must to use the COVER provided. The cover challenge will be changed every month. Members can find the cover pictures in the album of the Challenge room. 


In order to be fair for everyone, the winner will be chosen by the number of most nominated submission. 

❓ HOW ❓

🔸 All members are required to send their vote to the Creator who will be fairly collecting the points from each members.

🔸 The winner will be announced once the votes are collected.

🔸 The winner will win a sticker from LINE app of their choice